Be the Dragon-fruit

Riya Kathpalia
2 min readJun 12, 2023

‘You know what? It’s your day, do everything that seems to be right for you’

I was a rebellious kid. I still am. Almost everyone wanted to convince me, that I should focus just on studies to make things work. Well guess what, I’m proud of myself for not following their unsolicited advice.

It can help you in so many ways that you can’t even predict! Life with hobbies and side talents is just so much fun than an average life with an average mindset. More than anything, I gained the confidence to be independent and fight for myself.

Here’s how it can help you!

1. Learning new skills on the way simultaneously- Oh boy, there was plenty that I learned on the way. From managing databases to interviewing candidates, it was a beautiful journey. Up skill yourself!

2. Keeping up with the technology- Believe it or not, working among people of your age helps you get the needed push to try new things like updated softwares, new apps and up to date versions.

3. Networking- This is one of my favourite points! I’ve connected with so many like minded people who are just so amazing at what they do and they inspire me everyday (Love to all my Followers❤)

4. Higher sense of visualization- When you understand the mindset of the people around the world, it opens up wider horizons for you. More than you can ever imagine!

5. Self confidence- Well, most of us are not psych majors. We usually tend to find ways to boost our confidence and this is just the way to start. Go on, you’ll rock it!


Until next time💖

